Saturday, 15 December 2012

The Ten Chill Spaces Films

Click here to access films 

'Chill Spaces' is a collection of short films, shot in and around Norwich city centre in spring 2012. Although they were made in a specific place, they are not merely for the use and benefit of local people. We want to encourage you to place value on 'chill time' and find your own chill spaces wherever you happen to be. 

Wellness and prevention...
 Supported by BBC Voices, the films were made by volunteers from a range of backgrounds, in an initiative by the social enterprise, 'People Shaped Solutions'. It is a free online resource for folk who want to look after their mental health in daily situations. It is, therefore, about maintaining mental wellness and preventing crisis. 

Invest in being present in the moment...
In creating this resource, we want to encourage you to slow down and take notice of the wonder of the world around you. In virtually any environment, if you look, you will find places and/or perspectives that can help you to relax and be in the moment. Our films offer quiet inspiration we hope – encouraging you to explore, interact and engage with your environment and discover your own chill spaces. 

Stopping and slowing down and taking time for yourself may seem like a small thing - or even, to some, a 'waste of time'. However, all the evidence suggests that this small step is a valuable investment in our increasingly high-paced and pressured daily lives. 'Banking' some time for yourself adds 'credit' to your 'bank account of the mind', and will pay dividends during those taxing times that, periodically, test us all. 

The Five Ways to Wellbeing...
 Although the 'Chill Spaces' films focus on taking notice of the world around us, this is just one of five healthy habits that evidence suggests contribute to good mental health. Known collectively as, 'The Five Ways to Wellbeing' (an evidence-based set of actions developed by 'The New Economic Foundation), this involves making small changes in your daily life -- namely:

1. Connect: meeting and interacting with other people

2. Take notice: slowing down, savouring the moment, noticing the world around you
3. Be active: discovering a physical activity that suits your level of mobility and fitness
4. Keep learning: exploring and widening your interests throughout the course of your life
5. Give: giving -- your time, a smile etc -- to others and contributes positively to the wider community
(click HERE for further information about the Five Ways)

I use the Five Ways in my daily life and it has definitely contributed to my 'bounce back ability' during a year when my resilience has been tested by six close personal bereavements. 

Please share this resource with others...
Finally, without the work and support of the wonderful BBC Voices team (paid staff and volunteers!) these films would have remained a lightbulb without their 'moment'. Thanks to everyone involved with making this resource, together with those wonderful people who 'get' what we're doing and are actively promoting our preventative mental health message. I would also encourage you to take time to view the films for yourselves and then share them with your friends, family and colleagues. 

~ Colin Howey ~

Film Makers Testimony...

"It was a  fascinating experience to take part in  People Shaped Solutions'  Chill Spaces  project.   After an excellent short workshop at BBC Voices, we were each equipped with a video camera and set loose  to record a spot in the city where we  found a sense of calm. That challenge really helped me look at the city differently and  appreciate all over again the beauty that surrounds us. From the majestic skyline to the swaying of leaves and  branches in the breeze, everything took on a new and re-energised appearance. It made me look at things differently and in doing so, to delight and  marvel at them anew. The project opened my eyes and reminded me always  to be open and aware of my surroundings." 
~ Mike O'Driscoll ~

"Having worked in the field of mental health for over 20 years I can fully appreciate the value of setting time aside for personal reflection and meditation in a calm and relaxing environment of ones own choice. Whether this should be a park, a church, an open space in the city, by the sea or by a lake or river the objective is the same. At times the world can seem a frantic, busy, stressful and sometimes scary place and setting aside time to unwind can play a very important part in maintaining good mental health."

~ Dr. Richard Brooks ~

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