Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Green Places: Octagon Chapel Garden

A few weeks ago Eureka members visited the lovely 'hidden' garden next to the Octagon Chapel, down Colegate, Norwich. We want to encourage people to explore and use such green oases to relax and take notice of the world around us. Here are some of the photographs taken by Mamie...

Here is the location of the Octagon Chapel Garden on our 'Chill Spaces, Green Places' Google map...

View Chill Spaces, Green Places in a larger map

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Letting go!

I've noticed recently that I'd started being irritated by little things again, a habit I had started to break.

I think it was because I was trying to do lots of things and getting frustrated - that radiated back to me and I was then in a loop. I knew exactly what I was doing, but found myself getting irritated by being irritated!! Grrr!!!

I've now decided to acknowledge the thoughts and reactions, see what they're really trying to tell me, then not give them any attention or beat myself up for having the reaction I had. I'm only human after all!

If this resonates with you, get in touch, my mission in life is to help people break through whatever block or habit is holding them back, and we only do that by getting a fresh perspective. I see everything as learning an an opportunity, and always try to remain positive. Life will always be challenging, it's up to you to embrace it!


Saturday, 4 May 2013

'Chill Spaces, Green Places' - Coming Soon


The Norwich-based Eureka Wellbeing Photography group are in the process of creating a 'Chill Spaces, Green Places' map - an online resource of lovely 'hidden' green spaces within the city. This is currently in development, but we will be building this and sharing here; adding to the Chill Spaces 'bank' of resources for mindfulness. 

This is all about sustainability: sustainability ecologically, through valuing the nature of the city and getting there by walking or wheeling yourself, together with sustainability in terms of nurturing good mental health. 

These places are great sites to invest time, get things in perspective and reconnect with green growth. We hope that you will take the time to go and explore these green 'gems' and that you get as much pleasure from them as we do.