Saturday, 1 June 2013

Green Places - St Giles Church graveyard

The Eureka Wellbeing Photography group are currently working to create an online resource mapping the (often hidden!) green spaces in and around Norwich. The initial aim of this is three-fold. Firstly, we want encourage people in the city to access these special places and use them to take time for themselves and recharge their batteries. Secondly, we want to create virtual access to these places for people who, for whatever reason, are unable to visit in person. Thirdly, we are working towards a world where people and planet really matter. Accordingly, we hope that folk who visit these places - whether that be in person or virtually - value and help to conserve them, both, for the present and as custodians for future generations. 

St Giles Church graveyard is one such green 'gem'. Located near the city centre it has a remarkable parade of extremely old wisteria. We were just in time to catch the lush blooms before they fade and fall. However, inspired by the Eureka ethos (namely, to "find wonder as you wander"), we were delighted to find a lovely 'wild' area on the north side of the graveyard. Above, you will find a stop-go animated walk around the graveyard. Made from a total of 844 separate photographs, this gives you an impression of the environment around the church. 

Here are some photographs from the visit...

We also recorded some of the sounds around us: of birdsong; the slight rustle of wind tickled leaves; the hum of traffic and the wafting voices of Eureka members.

Julie, one of our Eureka members, agreed to be interviewed and shares some of her thoughts about the importance and value of places like this beautiful graveyard...

View Chill Spaces, Green Places in a larger map

Finally, we would like to thank the lovely volunteers at St Giles Church who gave us the warmest of welcomes. It was a Friday morning when we visited and the church was open. It was lovely to walk into a beautiful medieval church and be offered a cuppa from friendly volunteers. Thanks! 

Here is the church's website:

St Giles Church, Norwich

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Green Places: Octagon Chapel Garden

A few weeks ago Eureka members visited the lovely 'hidden' garden next to the Octagon Chapel, down Colegate, Norwich. We want to encourage people to explore and use such green oases to relax and take notice of the world around us. Here are some of the photographs taken by Mamie...

Here is the location of the Octagon Chapel Garden on our 'Chill Spaces, Green Places' Google map...

View Chill Spaces, Green Places in a larger map

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Letting go!

I've noticed recently that I'd started being irritated by little things again, a habit I had started to break.

I think it was because I was trying to do lots of things and getting frustrated - that radiated back to me and I was then in a loop. I knew exactly what I was doing, but found myself getting irritated by being irritated!! Grrr!!!

I've now decided to acknowledge the thoughts and reactions, see what they're really trying to tell me, then not give them any attention or beat myself up for having the reaction I had. I'm only human after all!

If this resonates with you, get in touch, my mission in life is to help people break through whatever block or habit is holding them back, and we only do that by getting a fresh perspective. I see everything as learning an an opportunity, and always try to remain positive. Life will always be challenging, it's up to you to embrace it!


Saturday, 4 May 2013

'Chill Spaces, Green Places' - Coming Soon


The Norwich-based Eureka Wellbeing Photography group are in the process of creating a 'Chill Spaces, Green Places' map - an online resource of lovely 'hidden' green spaces within the city. This is currently in development, but we will be building this and sharing here; adding to the Chill Spaces 'bank' of resources for mindfulness. 

This is all about sustainability: sustainability ecologically, through valuing the nature of the city and getting there by walking or wheeling yourself, together with sustainability in terms of nurturing good mental health. 

These places are great sites to invest time, get things in perspective and reconnect with green growth. We hope that you will take the time to go and explore these green 'gems' and that you get as much pleasure from them as we do. 

Friday, 1 March 2013

A Sense of Wonder As I Wander

I am so glad that nowadays I walk with my feet firmly on the ground and eyes lifted to the sky. 

Friday, 25 January 2013


Are you chilled in the chill?

Well, since I last blogged winter has hit with a vengeance! Spring seems a long way off!

I've become aware that I've been very tense when driving in the snow. It's good to be wary and drive safely, but I find my shoulders tensing because I'm gripping the wheel - and that's really not helping me drive better!

In the last few years I've become a lot more aware of my reactions and have become much better at dealing with them quicker - is it appropriate or am I snowballing my thoughts - I could end up in an avalanche of thoughts!

I now acknowledge my thoughts and my body's reaction to them and can deal with them before they start to spiral in the wrong direction. It's called the law of attraction, you attract what you focus on.

If like me you're sometimes a bit cynical, you might think that it's not as easy as just thinking positively. But it is. You just have to acknowledge your negativity and say "I choose to feel good today".

You have 17 seconds to change the direction of your thoughts, which is actually quite a long time! So instead of trying to stop your thoughts, acknowledge them, see what they are trying to do,  and choose whether to do something about them. When I say say see what they are trying to do, there is always a reason for them, they are usually trying to keep you safe, protect you or stop you looking like an idiot. The problem is that most of the time they end up achieving what they're trying to prevent.

Start to ask what you really want. Ask others. Never be afraid to ask. I love the saying "If you ask a question you look a fool for five minutes, if you don't ask you look a fool forever". I usually find someone else wants to ask the same question but is too scared! Fear stops us doing so many things!

So, make sure you take notice, breathe, smile and do something different!

Friday, 11 January 2013

January jewels!

Have you noticed some plants are blooming?

I go for a walk every day unless it's raining, and I love take notice of nature. I've noticed some shrubs in flower - daphnes, roses and a forsythia. And lots of new shoots coming up.

I love sensing spring in the air. It's turned colder but those shoots are always there!

I'm planning to go and see the snowdrops at Walsingham next month, they are stunning - a carpet of white blooms! And in May go to Blickling Great Wood to see thousands of bluebells. Last spring we went to Hoveton Hall at the peak of the daffodils - so cheery! And there's always something at High Ash Farm opposite the roman camp at Caistor St Edmund. There are huge teasels there now.  There are thousands of sunflowers and other wildflowers in the summer. in 2011 it was like visiting France (not that I've been!) with all the sunflowers and a row of poplars in the distance. I've ordered 2 canvases of photos we took of the sunflowers and the bluebells at Blickling. These will go on my lounge wall and remind me what a beautiful county we live in.

Take time to find the beauty - it's there if you look!

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Keep taking time out!

Christmas and the New Year is are a great time to relax, but it's all to easy to get caught up in a rush of activity - especially if you're trying to burn off all that food!

Make sure you take time every day to reflect, relax and be grateful for all you have. Remember, if you don't appreciate what you already have, why would you want more of it. This is especially true of money.

Did you know that apparently Monday 28th January will be the most depressing day of the year?According to Wikipedia, “the date is calculated by using many factors, including: weather conditions, debt level, time since Christmas, time since failing our new year’s resolutions, low motivational levels and feeling of a need to take action.”

A lot of people suffer from depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder which is heightened at this time of year, so be kind to yourself, and get out in the mild air - it's stopped raining!

I think we all have the power to take action and change whatever is no longer serving us. Lots of people make New Year's Resolutions, but you need to make sure they are achievable and have a date on them. I've also noticed that lots of people say they don't bother. I think it's great to have goals and something to work towards, the focus should be on moving towards not away from, although make sure you learn from your mistakes - although I try to view everything as a lesson not a mistake! (This is easier said than done!!)

Make this year all about balance of quiet time and action, making sure it's positive action.

2013 will be lucky!